Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Updating a Row with Value from Preceding Row

I found this problem on one of the SQL Server forums that I am regular contributor of.

Given this table:
set nocount on
declare @yourtable table
(recnum int,
Col2 varchar(2),
FKCol3 varchar(15),
Col4 varchar(10))

insert into @yourtable values (1, 'AA', 'key0AA', 'Somedata')
insert into @yourtable values (2, 'CC', NULL, 'Somedata')
insert into @yourtable values (3, 'CC', NULL, 'Somedata')
insert into @yourtable values (4, 'AA', 'key0BB', 'Somedata')
insert into @yourtable values (5, 'BB', NULL, 'Somedata')
insert into @yourtable values (6, 'CC', NULL, 'Somedata')
insert into @yourtable values (7, 'AA', 'key0CC', 'Somedata')
insert into @yourtable values (8, 'CC', NULL, 'Somedata')
insert into @yourtable values (9, 'CC', NULL, 'Somedata')
insert into @yourtable values (10, 'AA', 'key0DD', 'Somedata')
insert into @yourtable values (11, 'AA', 'key0EE', 'Somedata')

select *
from @YourTable

recnum Col2 FKCol3 Col4
----------- ---- --------------- ----------
1 AA key0AA Somedata
2 CC NULL Somedata
3 CC NULL Somedata
4 AA key0BB Somedata
5 BB NULL Somedata
6 CC NULL Somedata
7 AA key0CC Somedata
8 CC NULL Somedata
9 CC NULL Somedata
10 AA key0DD Somedata
11 AA key0EE Somedata
The problem: The user wants to replace those PKCol3 that are NULL by the non-null PKCol3 that precedes it. In this case, records 2 and 3 will have PKCol3 with "key0AA". Records 5 and 6 will have PKCol3 = "key0BB", and so on.This has to be done for almost 2 million+ rows.

Here's the code I suggested:

First, here's a query that can be used for analysis:
select recnum, Col2, FKCol3, Col4,
newCol3 = isnull((
select top 1 FKCol3
from @YourTable b
where a.recnum > b.recnum and b.FKCol3 is not null
and a.FKCol3 is null

order by b.recnum desc),a.FKCol3)
from @YourTable a
Here's the result set:
recnum      Col2 FKCol3          Col4       newCol3
----------- ---- --------------- ---------- ---------------
1 AA key0AA Somedata key0AA
2 CC NULL Somedata key0AA
3 CC NULL Somedata key0AA
4 AA key0BB Somedata key0BB
5 BB NULL Somedata key0BB
6 CC NULL Somedata key0BB
7 AA key0CC Somedata key0CC
8 CC NULL Somedata key0CC
9 CC NULL Somedata key0CC
10 AA key0DD Somedata key0DD
11 AA key0EE Somedata key0EE
The intention is that newCol3 will be the new value of PKCol3.

Executing the update:
update @yourtable
set FKCol3 = isnull((
select top 1 FKCol3
from @YourTable b
where a.recnum > b.recnum and b.FKCol3 is not null
and a.FKCol3 is null

order by b.recnum desc),a.FKCol3)
from @yourtable a

select *
from @YourTable
Here is the updated result set:
recnum      Col2 FKCol3          Col4
----------- ---- --------------- ----------
1 AA key0AA Somedata
2 CC key0AA Somedata
3 CC key0AA Somedata
4 AA key0BB Somedata
5 BB key0BB Somedata
6 CC key0BB Somedata
7 AA key0CC Somedata
8 CC key0CC Somedata
9 CC key0CC Somedata
10 AA key0DD Somedata
11 AA key0EE Somedata
This script will only work if there's a unique column (in this case recnum) that can be used to identify and sort the rows.

~~ CK

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