Here's my own version. This will generate some random number that will be converted to KB, MB or GB. But this should help me in the future.
;with Sorted
select 1 as base
union all
select base = base + 1
from Sorted
where base < 20
), Randomized
select top 5 base
from Sorted
order by newid()
), SizeInStorage
ByteSize = cast(abs(checksum(newid())) as bigint)
from randomized
Formatted = replace(convert(varchar(20), cast(ByteSize as money),1),'.00',''),
Converted = coalesce(nullif(ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),4),0),
nullif(ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),3),0),
nullif(ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),2),0),
nullif(ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),1),0),
Unit = coalesce('TB' + space(nullif(ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),4),0)),
'GB' + space(nullif(ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),3),0)),
'MB' + space(nullif(ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),2),0)),
'KB' + space(nullif(ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),1),0)),
from SizeInStorage
Here's a sample result set:ByteSize Formatted Converted Unit
-------------------- --------------- ----------- -----
926528091 926,528,091 883 MB
105563351 105,563,351 100 MB
1603808599 1,603,808,599 1 GB
866882480 866,882,480 826 MB
426406913 426,406,913 406 MB
Update...I want to convert bytes with two decimal places.;with Sorted
select 1 as base
union all
select base = base + 1
from Sorted
where base < 20
), Randomized
select top 5 base
from Sorted
order by newid()
), SizeInStorage
ByteSize = cast(abs(checksum(newid())) as bigint)
from randomized
union all
select top 1
ByteSize = substring(cast(abs(checksum(newid())) as varchar(10)),1,5)
from randomized
union all
select top 1
ByteSize = substring(cast(abs(checksum(newid())) as varchar(10)),1,3)
from randomized
Formatted = replace(convert(varchar(20), cast(ByteSize as money),1),'.00',''),
Converted = convert(varchar(30), isnull(cast(ByteSize as money)/ cast(coalesce((nullif((ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),4)),0)/nullif((ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),4)),0)) * power(cast(1024 as bigint),4),
(nullif((ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),3)),0)/nullif((ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),3)),0)) * power(cast(1024 as bigint),3),
(nullif((ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),2)),0)/nullif((ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),2)),0)) * power(cast(1024 as bigint),2),
(nullif((ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),1)),0)/nullif((ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),1)),0)) * power(cast(1024 as bigint),1)) as money)
ByteSize * 1.00
), 1),
Unit = coalesce('TB' + space(nullif(ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),4),0)),
'GB' + space(nullif(ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),3),0)),
'MB' + space(nullif(ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),2),0)),
'KB' + space(nullif(ByteSize/power(cast(1024 as bigint),1),0)),
from SizeInStorage
Here's the resultset:ByteSize Formatted Converted Unit
------------ ----------------- ----------- ----
1582690891 1,582,690,891 1.47 GB
786337767 786,337,767 749.91 MB
431093153 431,093,153 411.12 MB
1067677070 1,067,677,070 1,018.22 MB
626880896 626,880,896 597.84 MB
28760 28,760 28.09 KB
308 308 308.00 Bytes
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