Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Five Things a SQL Programmer/DBA Should Not Do

I read this very nice article here. Here's an excerpt of the entire list. I pick two of the most common case I encounter.
Performance Tuning Queries in Production

As tempting as the urge may be, it’s really not a good idea to query tune directly in your production environment. You’re making changes to your code base without actually knowing for sure, the consequences of your actions. Don’t even get me started on a DBA running Ad-hoc queries live on a production server.

So you’ve identified an index that will make a currently poorly performing query run like lightning, great! Now go away and test it properly in your performance tuning environment so you can see how well it plays with the other queries and be confident that there will be no adverse affects

Making Changes Without Testing (a.k.a Winging-it)

Even if you are a T-SQL Ninja, if you’re making changes to production that you have not tested then in my opinion that makes you a fool. You may think I’m being harsh but the experienced folk out there know that I speak the truth. If you are not testing your changes before they go to production then you are putting the data assets that you are ultimately responsible for at unnecessary risk. Doing so goes completely against your primary responsibility as a DBA. Why take the chance?

To view the complete list, please read this.

A special thanks to John Samson. You can read more about him on his blog.

~~ CK