Monday, November 29, 2010

Default Join Type

I'm always ask what the default join in SQL Server is, when no join type is specified. My immediate reaction is Google it. The problem is trying to find it among all the article that will show up as search result.

Now that I found it, I decided to put it here...

Here is the actual article (MSDN BOL) where I found it. And just in case Microsoft decides to remove it, here's an excerpt:

Specifies that all matching pairs of rows are returned. Discards unmatched rows from both tables. This is the default if no join type is specified.

Specifies that all rows from the left table not meeting the specified condition are included in the result set in addition to all rows returned by the inner join. Output columns from the left table are set to NULL.

Specifies that all rows from the right table not meeting the specified condition are included in the result set in addition to all rows returned by the inner join. Output columns from the right table are set to NULL.

If a row from either the left or right table does not match the selection criteria, specifies the row be included in the result set, and output columns that correspond to the other table be set to NULL. This is in addition to all rows usually returned by the inner join.

~~ CK

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Convert Rows into A Delimited String, Part 3

Here's another sample of dataset rows converted into delimited string based on a unique ID. Looking at the sample data is better than explaining how this works... Populate sample data:
declare @tbl_email table (id int, email varchar(20))
insert into @tbl_email
select 1, 'A'
union all
select 2, 'A0'
union all
select 2, 'A1'
union all
select 3, 'A2'
union all
select 3, 'A3'
union all
select 3, 'A4'
union all
select 4, 'A5'

select * from @tbl_email

id          email
----------- --------------------
1           A
2           A0
2           A1
3           A2
3           A3
3           A4
4           A5
Here's the required output:
id          email_list
----------- -----------
1           A
2           A0, A1
3           A2, A3, A4
4           A5
And the code...
;with Numbered
         rownum = row_number() over(partition by id order by id, email),
         id, email
      from @tbl_email
      select rownum, id, email from Numbered where rownum = 1
      select rownum, id, cast(email as varchar(500)) as email_list from FirstRecords  
      union all      
      select Numbered.rownum,,  cast(email_list + ', ' + as varchar(500))
      from Numbered
         inner join ReturnAllRecords 
            on = and
               ReturnAllRecords.rownum + 1 = Numbered.Rownum
select id, max(email_list) as email_list
from ReturnAllRecords
group by id
Comments are always welcome...

 ~~ CK

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

List tables, index and keys

Here's a code that list the columns used in each index for each table.

with table_indexes
   row_num = row_number() over(partition by, order by,, ci.key_ordinal), as table_name, as table_index, as index_keys
   from sys.tables t
      left join sys.indexes i on t.object_id = i.object_id and i.index_id > 0
      left join sys.index_columns ci on i.object_id = ci.object_id and i.index_id = ci.index_id
      left join sys.columns c on c.object_id = ci.object_id and c.column_id = ci.column_id
   table_name = case when row_num = 1 then table_name else '' end,
   table_index = case when row_num = 1 then table_index else '' end,
from table_indexes
As always, comments, suggestions, objections :) are all welcome...

~~ CK

Shrink Logfile in SQL 2008

I know that there's a great deal of debate on whether Shrinking a database and it's log is healthy. However, there will always be a situation that shrinking the log file is the only option you have. Here's the code that will shrink the database log in SQL 2008
declare @LogFileLogicalName sysname
select @LogFileLogicalName=Name from sys.database_files where Type=1

select @LogFileLogicalName

DBCC Shrinkfile(@LogFileLogicalName,100)

~~ CK

Convert Rows into A Delimited String, Part 2

Read the first part of the article, here. Here's another application of how to concatenate rows into a single string column. This script group concatenate the rows based on a PRIMARY KEY (in this case column ID). Here's the sample data that will be summarized:
id          speak_flag  read_flag   ia_flag     lit1_flag   lang
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----
1           1           1           1           1           fi
1           1           1           0           0           sv
1           1           1           1           0           en
1           1           1           0           1           de
2           1           1           0           0           fi
2           1           0           1           1           sv
2           1           1           0           1           en
Here's the required output
id          speak_lang    read_lang     ia_lang       lit1_lang
----------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------
1           de,en,sv,fi   de,en,sv,fi   en,fi         de,fi
2           en,sv,fi      en,fi         sv            en,sv
Here's the code 1. Populate the sample data
create table langdtl
id int,
speak_flag int,
read_flag int,
ia_flag int,
lit1_flag int,
lit2_flag int,
lit3_flag int,
lang nvarchar(2)

insert into langdtl values(1,1,1,1,1,1,0,'fi')
insert into langdtl values(1,1,1,0,0,0,1,'sv')
insert into langdtl values(1,1,1,1,0,1,0,'en')
insert into langdtl values(1,1,1,0,1,1,1,'de')

insert into langdtl values(2,1,1,0,0,1,1,'fi')
insert into langdtl values(2,1,0,1,1,1,0,'sv')
insert into langdtl values(2,1,1,0,1,0,1,'en')

   id ,speak_flag ,read_flag ,ia_flag ,lit1_flag ,lang 
from langdtl
2. Summarized and Group the Rows
;with language_table
   rownum = row_number() over(partition by id order by id),
   speak_lang = isnull(lang + space(nullif(0, speak_flag)) + ',',''),
   read_lang = isnull(lang + space(nullif(0, read_flag))+ ',',''),
   ia_lang = isnull(lang + space(nullif(0, ia_flag))+ ',',''),
   lit1_lang = isnull(lang + space(nullif(0, lit1_flag))+ ',',''),
   lit2_lang = isnull(lang + space(nullif(0, lit2_flag))+ ',',''),
   lit3_lang = isnull(lang + space(nullif(0, lit3_flag))+ ',',''),
   speak_flag, read_flag, ia_flag, lit2_flag, lit3_flag
 from langdtl  
select TOP 10000000 * from language_table order by id asc, rownum desc
   speak_lang = 
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 4 THEN speak_lang END) , '' )  +
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 3 THEN speak_lang END) , '' ) + 
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 2 THEN speak_lang END) , '' ) +  
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 1 THEN speak_lang END) , '' ),
   read_lang = 
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 4 THEN read_lang END) , '' )  +
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 3 THEN read_lang END) , '' ) + 
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 2 THEN read_lang END) , '' ) +  
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 1 THEN read_lang END) , '' ),
   ia_lang = 
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 4 THEN ia_lang END) , '' )  +
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 3 THEN ia_lang END) , '' )  +
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 2 THEN ia_lang END) , '' )  +
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 1 THEN ia_lang END) , '' ), 

   lit1_lang = 
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 4 THEN lit1_lang END) , '' ) +
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 3 THEN lit1_lang END) , '' ) +
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 2 THEN lit1_lang END) , '' ) +
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 1 THEN lit1_lang END) , '' ), 

   lit2_lang = 
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 4 THEN lit2_lang END) , '' ) +
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 3 THEN lit2_lang END) , '' ) +
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 2 THEN lit2_lang END) , '' ) +
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 1 THEN lit2_lang END) , '' ), 

   lit3_lang = 
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 4 THEN lit3_lang END) , '' ) +
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 3 THEN lit3_lang END) , '' ) +
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 2 THEN lit3_lang END) , '' ) +
   COALESCE( MIN( CASE WHEN rownum = 1 THEN lit3_lang END) , '' ) 
from  sorted_table
group by id
select id, 
   speak_lang = rtrim(substring(speak_lang,1, len(speak_lang)-1)),
   read_lang = rtrim(substring(read_lang,1, len(read_lang)-1)),
   ia_lang =  rtrim(substring(ia_lang,1, len(ia_lang)-1)),
   lit1_lang = rtrim(substring(lit1_lang,1, len(lit1_lang)-1))
from concatenated   

~~ CK